Monday, July 11, 2011


Today I’m 29. Older and wiser.

We just got back from a trip to Venice which was Adi’s birthday present to me and a surprise. His first successful surprise SmileAll his other attempts were destroyed by my curiosity or my mother’s care to call me and make sure my house is clean Smile(the surprise he intended was an unannounced visit)

We stayed at a lovely hotel and walked the beautiful streets and little bridges of Venice, it was amazing.

I got so many calls this morning from my whole family starting with all my 20 cousins to parents and grandparents. All wishes ended with: “and now… a baby” and then silence from my end… So I’m really getting older it seems… Smile 

Oh, and I also got a “Happy birthday and bank account change notice” mail from my bank. Now that I‘m 29, I will pay bigger interest on any credit that I might take…

Thursday, January 20, 2011

This evening on the metro …

- The Turkish guy who was sitting across me started crying while talking on the phone. I reacted as any other compassionate human being, turned my head and pretended I hadn't noticed. Turned out though he just had a really bad cold and that’s why his eyes were watery. Not such a good news for me since I was sitting very close to him. Good thing I turned my head when I did ...

- A middle aged Asian couple got caught without a ticket.They pretended for 10 minutes to be looking for the ticket in the woman’s purse. When the train finally stopped at a station and the doors opened, they became the fastest Asian couple I’ve ever seen. Got caught though … unfortunately – I was kinda ruling for them …

- At the next stop, five teenagers were having their picture taken at the metro (?!). All of them were very loud and happy. They were all photographed showing the finger to the guy who was taking the picture. A lady was watching them candidly and smiling, like a mother would watch her son playing in the sand. Seemed kinda funny considering they were all flipping her…

Happy new year!